is ja noch nicht alles von Vonyc für die kommenden tage....
Christmas Vibes: 24.12.2005 ab 22.00h
It's saturday night, the 24th of December 10.00 pm Central European Time, and you are listening to a very special edition of Big City Vibes right from Berlin with the worlds number 1 DJ Paul van Dyk!
Paul did the almost incredible: the fusion of classic and electronic dance music.
Accompanied by the Babelsberger Filmorchester and presented by Radio 1 Live and the Herman television station RBB
he transformed some of his releases into something you've never heard before!
Enjoy the classics such as FOR AN ANGEL, WIR SIND WIR or BUENAVENTURA in a completly new robe, dress in grand piano, violin and saxophone. Co Stars of the night: Peter Heppner, Wayne Jackson and Angelika Walz.
For An Angel
The Other Side
Forbidden Fruit
Time Of Our Life
Like A Friend
Nothing But You
Wir Sind Wir
Orto Dia
Te Amo
Sylvester Vibes form Leeds with ADAM SHERIDAN
He's cute, he's talented and he will electrolyze your Sylvester party!
Mister Adam Sheridan, the English DJ and producing wunderkind is up and going to rock your NYE.
Check out his 60-minute mix from 11:30 pm to 0:30 am CET at the 31st of December!
Anmerkung: nicht vergessen !!!
VONYC's Weihnachtsgeschenk and EUCH - alle Single Download Tracks für 1 Euro!
Festplattenüberforderung ist angesagt! Vom 24. Dezember bis zum 1. Januar gibt's alle Top Tracks auf VONYC zum Wahnsinnspreis von 1 Euro pro Single Download. Lasst Euch das nicht entgehen!