Evanescence "Bring me back to life" (Sultan & Tone Depth Remix)

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  • Hi,
    ich glaub ich sterbe. Was ist das bitte für ein Übertrack? Das erste mal gehört bei den Essentials von Markus Schulz am 19.1.2004 und gleich verliebt.
    Absolut krass der Remix, richtig richtig geil gemacht.
    Weiß jemand wann die Platte rauskommt? Die MUSS ich haben, soooooowas geiles, komm gar nich mehr raus aus dem Staunen :D

    10/6 Sternchen :D

  • .... tja, Progressive halt, ne! :))
    Gerade hier die Vocals der schnuggeligen Amy Lee machen diesen tracks so genial... Tone Depth rockt ja sowieso schon wie Hölle!

    Versuche den momentan täglich auf Pladde zu bekommen.

  • gern, werde dran denken.

    Oh bad news... grade auf progressive-sounds entdeckt, im interview mit Sultan. Vor allem der letzte Satz ;(


    As for the Evanescence remix, it was actually influenced a lot by Purusha. We were in the studio about two months ago working on our new album. When working on our album and getting guitar sounds we always have this process where each of the band members brings in a couple of CDs of bands that we like and guitar sounds that we would like to hear. One of the band members brought in the Evanescence album and I fell in love with the production and the song 'Bring Me To Life'. The guitar sounds and the distortion were just out of this world. So throughout that month of working in the studio I constantly listened to the Evanescence album and one day decided just for fun to try to do a house mix of the song to play out at clubs. At first I tried looking for an acapella but there was no way to get my hands on it so I decided to use what I could from the song itself. It was definitely one of the hardest remixes I've worked on but I really wanted to try to get at least one version out there so that I could play it at Sona, my afterhours residency, the following week to see what the reaction would be and if people recognized the track. The remix sounds very different from the song itself but it definitely had a good reaction and is one of those tracks that I have given out to a few people and will keep for myself to play out.