INXS "Afterglow" (Randy Boyer & Eric Tadla Mix)

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  • Also ich habe diesen Remix zum ersten Mal im DJ Addison Podcast gehört...und ich muss sagen, die Vocals sorgen echt für Gänsehaut! Das Original ist cool, aber Randy Boyer & Eric Tadla haben da eine richtig schöne Trance Ballade draus gemacht..


    5,5/6 :yes:

    Hier könnt ihr das Teil in voller Länge anhören:

    Wer mitsingen will:

    Here I am..
    Lost in the light of the moon that comes through my window..

    Bathed in blue..
    The walls of my memory divide the thorns from the roses..

    It's you and the roses

    Touch me and I will follow in your afterglow
    Heal me from all this sorrow
    As I let you go I will find my way when I see your eyes
    Now I'm living..
    In your afterglow

    Here I am..
    Lost in the ashes of time, but who wants tomorrow?
    In between, the longing to hold you again..
    I'm caught in your shadow

    Touch me and I will follow in your afterglow
    Heal me from all this sorrow
    As I let you go I will find my way, I will sacrifice
    Now I'm living in your afterglow

    Touch me and I will follow in your afterglow
    Heal me from all this sorrow
    As I let you go I will find my way
    I will sacrifice 'til the blinding day when I see your eyes
    Now I'm living..
    In your afterglow...

    Bathed in blue..
    the walls of my memory divide the thorns from the roses
    It's you who is closest


  • Naja, das ist vom Sound her aber schon was anderes...das hier ist mehr melodischer Vocal Trance...und den Text finde ich hier auch besser...aber alles Geschmackssache :-)