VIP-Tickets für das Untold Festival

  • Hallo!

    War schon einmal jemand auf dem Untold Festival und / oder kann so etwas über die VIP-Tickets sagen? Da steht:

    VIP Pass owners benefit from:
    Access to a raised platform, specially designed for an excellent view of the Main Stage;
    Premium Bar Access;
    Possibility to book a table in the VIP lounge - booking is necessary;
    Tapas & Finger Food Menu;
    Dining & cocktail area;
    The option to book VIP ULTRA tables, in a restricted area of the raised platform;
    Special credit points for topping up wristbands;
    Special moments designed by the festival’s partners;
    The chance to meet the artists;
    Extra security, both on the platform and at the entrance.

    aber Essen und Trinken muss man komplett "normal" bezahlen, oder?