Leider fällt es dieses Jahr durch die ungünstigen Feiertage auf den zweiten Weihnachtsfeiertag.
Aber eventuell will sich ja jemand dem Weihnachtstrubel entziehen und etwas feiern gehen.
War zweimal da in den vergangenen Jahren und jedes mal ging es da richtig gut zur Sache.
LineUp ist jedenfalls wieder richtig gut!
Wer Interesse hat kann sich mal die Videos der letzten Jahre auf Youtube anschauen, für den Preis und die kleine Location fahren die was Laser/Licht und Sound angeht echt gewaltig auf.
Xtralarge brings you two areas with different styles: Trance, Hard Trance, Big room en Classics
Nachtboetiek are the creators of some of the best and biggest club events in The Netherlands. Our famous Full Moon dance events are equally impressive and spectacular as Xtra Large. Of course we will present a vastly different show for Xtra Large. These parties stand for state of the art 3D-mapping and special effects. Normally only done as work of art on grand outdoor exteriors, but we bring it all inside for maximum impact.
This year we will surpass all the spectacular events of the past years in this beautifull and warm venue in Amsterdam. We are working on a magnificent stageplan, with a very special and beautiful decor. Forget all you might have heard or seen of Xtra Large before, we will built you a sensationally grand stage!
The first internationally acclaimed DJ's have been anounced and almost the full line-up is ready. This is just the beginning of the super line-up we are preparing that will blow your mind! Take advantage while you can and get an Early Bird discount ticket now for only 20,- Euro at https://www.tranceforum.info/www.xtralarge.nl
Line Up
Area 1:
John O'Callaghan
Richard Durand
John OO Fleming
Max Graham
Randy Katana
Area 2:
Ruben Vitalis
Mario Rivano
Michael Roger
Lesley Styles
The First 50 tickets for 15 euro! (SOLD OUT!)
Super Early Bird VIP Ticket: 25 euro (SOLD OUT!)
Early Bird Ticket (2e fase): 20 euro (LAST 100 TICKET! OP=OP)
Early Bird VIP Ticket (2e fase): 30 euro
Regular Ticket: 35 euro
VIP Ticket: 45 euro