Needing a reason for being stuck in this seemingly
Demeaning whirlwhind of ride with you.
Oh yea I do.
Longer then faster I try to decide what you're after.
A disaster. Is that what you put me through?
Oh yea you do.
I'm not free love.
So when you leave take the time you need.
Cause I'll be gone.
So don't come to me and beg to plead...
You're about to say...
Searching for truth in this twisted environment.
I can't believe that I once was inspired by you.
But I'll be ok.
Poetry means nothing when you love me and leave.
You can disappear one day then wear your heart on your sleeve.
Do you know what I'm worth?
What do you see?
I'm not free love.
So when you leave take the time you need.
Cause I'll be gone.
So don't come to me and beg to plead...
You're about to say...
Hmm...I don't wanna know. I don't wanna know.
I don't wanna fall to pieces. I don't wanna fall at all so...
You're about to say...
Hmm...I don't wanna know. I don't wanna know.
I don't wanna fall to pieces. I don't wanna fall at all so...
Go...Away...Just go...I don't wanna fall anymore.
Den Text habe ich gefunden. Allerdings glaube ich, dass er nicht so dem Text in dem Lied gleicht. Hat jemand einen richtigen?